Sunday, December 25, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

Shower the People - James Taylor

I have listened to this song countless times and countless times been moved by it's everything.  JT's smooth guitar & easy to take beat melts into a perfect melodic mix, so mello... "something in the way (it) moves" - The choir of voices adds an almost jazzy/gospel flavor to this 1976 James Taylor classic and the voice heard around 3:15 minutes into the number is about as rich and soulful as exceptionally soulful, good singing gets. This favorite can be described as corny, cute, killer-cool. The original studio recording includes a perfect bridge named; "bongo-beat" This wonderful ride winds down by adding a sweet chime, to lace the prayerful tune with a little bit of heaven. ♫♪.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thank You!

For being my twin brother.

I don't always say I am a twin, but when I do, I mention you.

Sophia's birthday today 11.27.11, your baby girl; Natalie Sophia, Puppy Wolf, "Dah-in", Fluffly, Fee-fee, precious third cub of your three lil bears.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Luke 12:27

Consider the lilies how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I say unto you, Not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed as one of these.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


The first day of November, All Saints Day... perhaps a time to consider who the saints are. From long ago, saints standout as ordinary individuals who did extraordinary things, always armed with much compassion and love. We learn of those in the past and from the saints of today who go about their lives peacefully, blessing others always, making life more livable now. Thank you saints, holy & Blessed be now and forever.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Each moment of the year has its own beauty,
a picture which was never seen before,
and which shall never be seen again.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
Amercian essayist and philosopher

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Hi There,
Hope this message finds you perfectly perfect. I imagine you are all about a state of perfection. I truly hope it is like that for you. I wonder if you miss us or understand completely how necessary it is for you to have been called to be where you are, just as we are appointed here right now? I miss you Mark/We miss you. It is really something how the sound of  your voice and entire being can easily be summoned... I suppose as easily as any memory of you.

I want you to know you are mentioned often, thought of so endearingly and still considered very much here with us in many ways, we hold on to your wonderful spirit, if you let us, with your permission and blessings we hold you forever in our hearts, forever until never, no never will we not remember you and know you are somewhere in our soul. OK, that is all for now. Hope to have a good October.

Peace and love,
from me

Friday, September 30, 2011

The Other Side by Bruno Mars - ft. Cee Lo Green & B.o.B

This is just a bad-ass beat. Mars blasts off into the musical cosmos wit it... serves it up tight, right, bright, big y beautiful.
"Yeah, I'm a monster but I ain't no frankenstein".... wtf. bad to da dippity do-da! ♪♫♪☼ "It's better if you don't understand"... !

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Happy Birthday!

So anyway, you have been on my mind quite a bit these day's, as another birthday approached, came & went at lightening speed. A lot of folk missing you, recalling your goodness & sending birthday wishes your way still. You went to heaven when you were 37 and would have turned 54 yesterday. I guess that is one nice thing about dying young... you will always be youthful in the memories of those who think of you. Will always feel a particular void since June, 1994 when you enhaled your very first breath in heaven and released your last breath on earth. It hurts sometimes since you've gone yet I take comfort in knowing you are in a state of perfection.  vI know somehow, your spirit connects with me and other loved one's. I know because I pray it so, I feel it and when other's say or do something that is just like your distinctive brand of humor, smarts, expression & compassion, well you become present in that moment- I smile and my heart warms-up.  Your spirit transcends time and space and embraces us probebly, in more ways than we realize. Thank you for the whispers from heaven.
Long live the twin connection.
I love you brother. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Forget Me Not

It is September, of course I am going to think about you, mom's monkey faced son. Today marks the 10th anniversary (9.11.01) of the destruction of thousands of lives and the Twin Towers at the World Tread Center in NYC, the attack on the Pentagon & hero's aboard a United Airlines flight, overthrow highjackers- sacrificing their lives to save others as the plane is downed in Pennsylvania.  That dark day, another day of infamy that stunned the world. America under siege. Still almost unbelievable to witness and imagine all of the profoundly painful, life changing moments, countless stories told of bravery and many stories that will never be told, of death and dying, survival, horrifying, hysteria, happenstance, surreal bone chilling, heart wrenching situations. We all watched and listened in disbelief and shock as the night mare unfolded. The shock wave still felt today. People were a little more tender with one another and respectful during those days of despair and grief- Perhaps thinking twice about the fragile balance between life and death, love and hate, war and peace, darkness and light ~

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Spiritual Connection

                                                          Talk about your soul brothers.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

School Supplies

When adverstisements about school supplies began in late August when we were kids, it was like getting a last call for fun in the summer sun... the days were so simple when nothing was better than an ice cold Grape or Strawberry Nehi soda, sweaty glass of Kool-aid or a frozen popsicle. School was fast approaching and the water guns, trips to the pool, playing outside with friends and neighborhood kids were winding down.  Now a days school seems to start earlier and ads for school supplies are already in full swing.

The smell of a Big Chief tablet with the lined and faded looking pages was something special, ahhh... the distinctive aroma of fresh pulp as you fanned yourself with the tablet, simply defined everything about going back to school.

*Mom took us shopping, for school supplies, clothes (put on lay-away in the middle of the summer) uniforms, shoes, fresh packs of undies, socks, etc., God Bless Mom and all mothers who sacraficed much, worked hard, provided, cared for and loved their children. God Bless the crazy, lazy days of summer, swimming pools to cool off in, schools, school supplies and blessings before, at this moment and into the future.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Afternoon Matinee's & Drive-In Theater's

When mom could, we were treated to a Saturday or Sunday afternoon matinee. A few bucks back in the 60s went quite a bit further than it seems to today. We could cover the cost of the movie ticket, a couple of treats from Walgreen's or Skaggs and enough to buy a popcorn or soda.
The Kimo, The State, The Sunshine, Highland, Fox Winrock, Cinema East were the theaters I remember. The Lobo & The Guild seemed to cater to more mature or supposedly mature folk. The Kimo held/holds all the historical and architectural grandeur of any great little or big theater, with the thick velvet curtains and carpet, the elegant banisters and the aire thick with the smell of freshly popped popcorn and eager movie goers, the ascent to the balcony, always seemed special, the minute you walked in... there was no doubt you were at the movies and could step into a make believe world, larger than life. We jumped into the big screen for a couple of hours and became the hero and adventurer, the suave star and very perfect person.

We saw movies like;
Green Beret, John Wayne walked tall and was in command in that one as well as all his other movies, there was Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang,***Elvis as Kid Galahad or dancing it up, gyrating his hips, doing the twirly-twirly as some babe pined over him in Acapulco or Vegas baby! **The Jungle Book, Bambi, Jerry Lewis as The Nutty Professor,The Music Man and Sound of Music along with all The Beach Parties with Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello.

Mom also piled all of us in the station wagon, popped a grocery bag full of popcorn, made some fried chicken or hot dogs, Kool-aid and other provisions and life was good... if that wasn't enough... we could go in our pj's! Off we drove, to the Silver Dollar, Duke City, Wyoming, Terrace, We saw Lilly's of The Field, Mary Poppins, The Incredible Mr Limpet, The Sound of Music. Just great movie-going fun!                                                           

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wonders of the world are actually infinite in number and measure, starting with you and I

Sunday, June 26, 2011

JUNE 2011

This June has been it's usual hot self as the Summer settles in officially. The days and nights move along at a quick pace as time keeps track of things- offering gentle and not so gentle nudges as to when plans are made and when to expect certain seasonal things to take place... baseball, weddings, graduations, vacations, camping, gardening, swimming, sitting out on the patio or the front porch, to cool-off and take it easy.
Then you get a phone call from an old friend, she is calling to let you know about a mutual friend, whose husband just had a fatal heart attack. Out of no where a perfectly sunny Sunday morning turns grey with the news. A wave of shock and sadness shroud the moment as I continue on with my day. Meanwhile, family and friends grieve, the grief resonates as heavy hearts connect spiritually. It is immediate as the holy spirit stirrs our souls and we want to reach-out to console the bereaved, the people who will "survive" the death of a loved one.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Mark Allen Joseph Ipiotis

I was very sad to realize life would be painfully devoid of you, so different without you around. Sometimes now, sadness gets trigger-happy on me for various reasons, reasons when nothing else will do but to drop a tear or two, for missing you. Your life does not end with us on a spiritual level however, the memories every bit of  them that I can recall went with you and are very much a part of me now... plain & simple.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Remembering You

When I recall Memorial Day weekends I think of long weekends, camping, day trips, puttering around the house, catching-up on projects and hanging-out with favorite people. You rounding-up a few friendlies for a little barbecue action at your place, and Nancy making sure everybody had plenty. The cold drinks, watermelon, water guns, baby swimming pools, music and good cheer filled the warm air.  I find myself thinking about you as if you were just across town.
We remember the days of summer when our big worries were to go with the vanilla or chocolate ice cream cone from the Dairy Dan truck on Sunday night, or which flavor of popsicle or Nehi soda, coca-cola, rc or doctor pepper?? OR who would take us swimming or to a Dukes baseball game? We remember you and all the people who now exist in perfection and who we love so dearly, still. 
~ Your hearts, as sacred as your spirits are great.
Thankfully, the love remains and continues to comfort and bless. Yes, we remember you and all the goodness you shared ~

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunset Memorial Piper

June, 1994: One Saturday afternoon, while walking around Sunset Memorial Cemetery, where Mark had recently been laid to rest, I was feeling forlorn, dumbfounded by the death of my twin bro's passing, suddenly off in the distance, the quiet stillness is interrupted by the haunting, prayerful sound of a bagpipe player whaling into his bag of pipes; Amazing Grace.
I was lifted out and taken back by the dreamscape-quality of the moment, it seemed like heaven cracked-open a door and I was allowed to take a peek inside. I was at once, overcome with grief and stunned with disbelief... an experience of a lifetime, so simple yet unusual, mysterious and spellbinding, it left me breathless and hoping I would never forget.
Since Mark's passing almost 14 years ago, holy spirits beckon me with particular glimmers of light and love, peace and comfort, with gentle sometimes barely audible whispers from heaven, always reminding me of a special place and time, and all the goodness we shared.
I know this to be true and receive the messages as answered prayers. ~ To the best of my understanding and beseeching of such matters as these, I am sincerely thankful and humbled as I am made aware of God's amazing Grace that continues to be bestowed upon me and those who ask.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Art Imitates Life

Whenever the classic movie, To Kill A Mockingbird was on TV, Mark would call me and tell me it was on. Scout and Gem reminded him of us. Scout, a high spirited tomboy and good kid who wanted to beleive that everyone basically was as good-hearted as she is and Gem, Scout's brother, a little older, much more subdued and stoic, thought everyone should be equally as composed and as smart as him.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dear Mark,

Just a note as you cross my mind ♪ been a couple of week's since I've posted in your bloggity-blog. Man, the memories, photo's, places, people that bring-up your name, still... who you were and will always be... so cool to hear, be reminded of.  You would love it; "the man, the myth, the legend". How can someone who physically died over thirteen years ago, still be so present in our daily lives?  The impression you made on us, like all dearly departed one's, remain locked-in tight. Those you shared special moments with or very simple, the best or funkiest of times, a little or a lot of life, love, laughter, music, so much goodness to hold on to.
Those days and nights somehow linger and surface easily like a flash-back in a movie.  
I come across various things with your name on it; Mom, your brothers and sisters, your children and Nancy still hold a part of you in their hearts. I see it and feel it.

Well, that's about it for now. As mom would say; "K.I.T.", Keep In Touch. We'll be on the look-out for  you. xo, me

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Prayer

Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
         Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.       
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen
Saint Francis of Assisi

Thursday, February 3, 2011

~ Dan Fogelberg (8.13.51 - 12.16.07) 1993 River of Souls ~

I take my place along the shore
And I wait for the tide
It seems I've passed this way before
In an earlier time
I hear a voice like mystery
Blowing warm through the night
The silent moon embraces me
And I'm drawn to her light

I follow footprints in the sand
To a circle of stone
Find a fire burning bright
Though I came here alone
And in the play of shadows cast
I can dimly discern
The shapes of all who've gone before
Calling me to return

There are no names
That fit these faces
There are no lines that can define
These ancient spaces
The spirits dance across the ages
And melt into a river of souls

Lo que es de mio ~~ what is mine ~~
Lo que es de dios ~~ what is god's ~~
Lo que es del rio ~~ what is the river's ~~
Melt into a river of souls

I take my place along the shore
And I wait for the tide
It seems I've passed this way before
In an earlier time
To every man the mystery
Sings a different song
He fills his page of history
Dreams his dreams and is gone

There are no names
That fit these faces
There are no lines that can define
These ancient spaces
The spirits dance across the ages
And melt into a river of souls

Lo que es de mio ~~ what is mine ~~
Lo que es de dios ~~ what is god's ~~
Lo que es del rio ~~ what is the river's ~~
Melt into a river of souls

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wake Up!

Wake UP Everybody!
Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes
"No more backward thinking. It's time for thinking ahead"

Sunday, January 9, 2011


You & me. You're on the left and turned-out left-handed. That would be me on the right.. looking all worked-up about something.

Opposites we are, mom says we are mirror twins, boy and girl twins like twins that are not identical, are also referred to as fraternal. We were womb mates but took up in separate placenta's, even our DNA was not the same as it is with identical twins. There is an undeniable bond however, yes a Bond, Twin Bond. Seems like we always kept an eye on one another. It was natural to ask where you were if you were not around. You would inquire as to my where abouts if I wasn't in sight. Even when you and Nancy married, the connection was locked in between you and I.

You are so missed, Mark, but your physical life ran it's course, unless you consider your cells, various matter, chromosomes still running around in your children and now grandchildren... that's another blog. It hurts sometimes to think you were taken from us mid-way though our lives, taken from everybody who loves you. Honestly, when I think of all the history, the rough and rowdy times, the special moments we shared, the love, loyalty, laughter, fussing, fighting, friendship, unequaled partnership... I feel a void still, the severance included it's own unexplainable grief but like any uncommon bond, I do hold a great deal of satisfaction in knowing we came into life together give or take a few minutes. We shared so many experiences, adventures, lessons, fun and fantastic times as well as challenges, triumphs, simple and unforgettable moments... we shared much.

I'm grateful we grew-up side by side, we gave life our best shot as twins. I am a better person, a different kind of individual for being blessed with you as my twin. I still think of myself as a twin, your twin. You cross my mind often and I thankfully have great memories of our twinship. It was a hell of trip and we traveled with a lot of love, good humor, sass and unique brand of everything. It makes for wonderful stuff of my life.