Monday, December 31, 2018


It was just yesterday we were born, we lived, died, came-saw and left but still living be it in memory or in the physical sense of the word. Time seems to stand still yet it never stops. Thoughts jump into another realm where we are there yet very much right here, crazy.

Wanted to say simply to you Mark, time, space, distance, no matter what, the time we shared is still part of our time now and ever more. You are as much a part of our life and times now as we were when you walked among us. You and mom, De facto existence remains as colorful, fun, heartfelt, contrary and full of goodness as ever.

Thursday, November 29, 2018


Here we are with another round of happy days to prepare for, dread or be happy about. Every detail becomes a great big blasted thing. What to make, bake, buy, cry about, be lonely about and long for. The holidays evoke so much from the heart the super sweet stuff that dreams are made of.

The senses are heightened as the days turn into annual big dates on the calendar. What happened to all the years though, the wonder years, the tragic, the tricky moments we survived and made us the people we are today. Did the magic of youth fade into life's wear and tear or does it just take a minute longer to feel the simple joy of the season? When the smell of cooking prompts vivid flashbacks of childhood and the sound of bells jingling gets you all nostalgic about that certain time when Christmas music sounds like the sweetest songs ever heard or felt. 

The holidays are no doubt about as bittersweet a time as can be. Who isn't here anymore? Who joined us? Who needs us, mad at us, miss us, wish us peace and happiness? One day into the next as life goes on, the occasional reprieve to remind us of certain things whether the commemoration is of a sad matter or bright, precious, so rare, once in a lifetime, a day or days, special days that summons acknowledgement, the days that everyone is aware of but not everyone is too keen on celebrating. 

Here's to Happy Holiday's ahead, truly happy, harmonious, simple, quiet, calm or crazy as a perfect storm!

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


I wanted to tell you: I love you. I truly love you for no reason and every single reason I can possibly, think, feel and say. I love you for reasons I am not even sure of only that what you have given me and continue to share with me goes so much deeper than what is seen or felt on the surface. With your kind gesture, your sweet spoken word or graciousness in a time when it mattered more than I realized, you offered the best of your love at that moment, a moment that lingers into infinity.

The love you have shown me ever, through the years or in a flash, a thoughtful message or note filled my day and my heart with matters of monumental meaning even though I may not have responded in a way that reflected my gratitude. I take your gestures of kindness into my heart as you express the greatest of what humankind can offer. The love you give to me is priceless and makes me want to be better than I know how to be. I strive everyday in many ways to live up to the meaning of love in all of it's simple heartfelt ways. We are part of every loving fiber of perfection and warmth. We have exchanged something that creation surely intended to sustain humanity in it's purest, clearest form.

There is a love so pure we do not even know how to convey consciously, a particular exquisite element that makes the coldest, proudest most astute person, vulnerable and bring to tears. The dark forces in the world are extinguished by the roaring blaze of love so powerful, it's preciousness stirs ones soul with feelings that go far beyond description. The beautiful most breathtaking components of any living being are there waiting to find a place to reach out to and breathe life into. We don't  know exactly, how or what, when, where this perfection is exactly other than to say we are it, love defined. Anything other than the purest state of our existence has to do with the imperfect nature of our lives, that's life. Alas there is love to give, receive, thrive and live off of.

To find our way we share our goodness and play it forward hoping it grows and is nourished and builds something out of nothing in all it's glory and simplicity barely there yet massive in meaning and potential. All of this unseen and seen in many forms has made a lasting impression on this heart.  How can I forget the love you have given me whether you remember or not I hold on to every bit of something that feeds my soul so much it is as if you just gave me a big hug and we embraced each other like two close children who lost sight of each other and found their way into one another's arms. I do love you so. I love you with innocence and inexplicable ways also like a brand new love, and love rich antiquated and familiar, crazy wonderful, simple and spectacular, healing and precious, powerful and strong as the best of the best humankind has to offer, love precious important magnificent love.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Still Here

Mark, even though you're physically not here, you are thought of, missed and spoken of everyday. People refer to you and remember what you did and said, the way you conducted yourself with focus, intelligence and good humor. You are still here in our hearts and minds in spirit and in ways that we cannot fathom. I am definitely sure you are here in ways that cannot be adequately explained yet clearly felt as a matter of fact from the heart in a soulful spiritual manner.

Your are still here as the love and respect for you remains as strong as ever in fact maybe more so since you are placed by divine appointment in a state of perfection. Your image is beautiful and larger than life as we recall countless memories that seem as real as the moment they occurred. How precious it is to know we are still connected in a manner that is magnified by an ethereal umbilical cord. Your presence is felt so keenly especially when the sound of your voice, laugh, wit, wisdom, sarcasm, tenderness and toughness are heard and undeniably alive and well vibrating with a strength that goes beyond our earthly understanding.

Every time you are thought of and mentioned you join us as a very important person of interest who has gone on your individual path. You shine bright as the happiest moments we shared and reflect the greatest, sweetest most precious memories we experienced together. Blessed are you dear brother, blessed is your memory and your present spiritual alliance to each of us who are aware of you still here.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Story Book

When asked recently what my story is; the following broad picture came to mind and includes the bare necessities of my narration, the nuts and bolts and basic big picture of my simple and not so simple story.                                                                                                          My story is one that reflects love, hate, happiness, a broken heart, tears of joy, sorrow, dark days and the brightest most beautiful nights. It includes a suffering humanity to the sublime innocence of the child within us all.  My story has been told by many through the ages seasoned by the comedies and tragedies life bears from the mundane and mediocre to the spectacular nature of experiencing miracles as the best and worst of life goes on. It is a story book filled with tales of epic proportion, heart warming at once subtle, mighty forged through fiery days to triumphant times I wished would never end. 

My story weaves in and out of yours and I am humbled, grateful and better for the wear and tear as I am armed with beautiful blessings, to play forward for the rest of my life ~

Saturday, March 31, 2018


The question was posed regarding language and why everyone in every near or far reaching corner of the world doesn't speak only one language. The answers are found at the core of human experience historically, in culture, climate, geographical and environmental variance, in collective and individual stories politically charged, motivated by religion or simply due to the law and practice of the land.

Humankind however does speak one language of universal similarity it is the language of LOVE. The language that expresses compassion, kindness, emotions and feelings that words often fail to adequately convey. To describe what the heart knows can only completely be shared by a commonality that humanity has been gifted with since time untold. Set in place far and wide, vast nations, tiny villages, cosmopolitan places of progressive movement or humble locations tucked-away underneath thick forest canopies, indigenous, rich or scarce of resources. 

Loves language is saturated in respect, gentle, soft, strong, caring, can heal a broken heart or a battered bruised and bent body. The spoken or unspoken natural virtue of love in all it's glory shines brightly lit by the perpetual heart light even when dimmed can be reignited, revved-up and revived brought about in a little glow or big blaze.

The soul longs to explain itself without uttering a word to live a peaceful existence. How wonderful is the language of love, modest, magnificent, unwavering in it's most innocent and purest form, undisturbed by hesitance or reluctance to risk sharing what is profoundly craved and truest to our innermost being. To understand the best language known is to simply share what we know will feed and satisfy malnourished humanity starving for the optimal kind of clean food nutrient rich with a quality that addresses the mind, heart and soul, yes, it is the language of love.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

What You Have Within ~

A wise woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream. The next day she met another traveler who was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveler saw the precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him. She did so without hesitation.  The traveler left, rejoicing in his good fortune.  He knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime.  But a few days later he came back to return the stone to the wise woman. "I've been thinking," he said, "I know how valuable the stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more precious.  Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me the stone."

" The Wise Woman's Stone"
Author Unknown