Monday, September 13, 2010

On Your Mark

Get set... GO! Run, jump, zig-zag, dart in and out of this obstacle and that one.. rather exciting stuff to us knuckle-head roustabouts who only wanted to have fun, a good laugh, the thrill of trying to be good at something and better then the competition which was each other, minimum. Anybody else in on the fun and games would be well advised to bring-on their best game. The backyard obstacle courses we set-up were fantastic fun and slightly dangerous. You know, no Risk Management or Quality Control inspections to ensure our safety. No, none of that candy-assness... and by the way, NO cry babies. Note: The obstacle course shown here is not exactly like some of the courses we rigged-up but similar in concept. The wheel barrel jump, scaling the cinder block wall & flower-box planter, the race against the clock... Was ON, the competition- fierce. The stop-watch was ticking. If there was any abrasions, lacerations, rasberries, knots or blows to the head, slight concussions, contusions, sprains or such you were strongly encouraged to tough it out so we could start over. Fun Fun!