Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Great Gifts

Great gifts abound in the slightest way, simple, gifts to amazing make me think how blessed one can be. How sad not everyone can say they feel blessed with gifts not small or big, simply absent. If only no one suffered or cuased suffering. If only everyone, everywhere could feel safe, cared for, loved and acknowledged.  I pray and send heartfelt hope and faith for blessings of peace and comfort, respite from lifes unfairness. I pray the hurting can heal and find a place in the world where things make sense and reality is not so cruel, ugly and unforgiving. 

I pray with gratitude for miracles and messages of a spiritual nature, mysterious and marvelous enough to make you wonder how we could ever question whispers from heaven, from sacred and holy places we all have access to.

The sign from earth as the heavens whirled by, read; 
Great gifts or small are appreciated, every little bit helps.