Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunset Memorial Piper

June, 1994: One Saturday afternoon, while walking around Sunset Memorial Cemetery, where Mark had recently been laid to rest, I was feeling forlorn, dumbfounded by the death of my twin bro's passing, suddenly off in the distance, the quiet stillness is interrupted by the haunting, prayerful sound of a bagpipe player whaling into his bag of pipes; Amazing Grace.
I was lifted out and taken back by the dreamscape-quality of the moment, it seemed like heaven cracked-open a door and I was allowed to take a peek inside. I was at once, overcome with grief and stunned with disbelief... an experience of a lifetime, so simple yet unusual, mysterious and spellbinding, it left me breathless and hoping I would never forget.
Since Mark's passing almost 14 years ago, holy spirits beckon me with particular glimmers of light and love, peace and comfort, with gentle sometimes barely audible whispers from heaven, always reminding me of a special place and time, and all the goodness we shared.
I know this to be true and receive the messages as answered prayers. ~ To the best of my understanding and beseeching of such matters as these, I am sincerely thankful and humbled as I am made aware of God's amazing Grace that continues to be bestowed upon me and those who ask.


Anonymous said...

I knew Mark when I worked at the phone company years ago. I didn't know he had passed away. I see your special love shared only by twins and how missed he is.. yet he is still present with you in these rich memories & expressions of love... you will see him again... that is the promise we all cling to made to us by The Lord Jesus Himself. I pray you will always find comfort in Him. The Lord bless & keep you, Susan

Mary Ellen Ipiotis 'BrunodeLaRoza' said...

Must have been a shock to learn of Mark's passing, Susan. Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Always fun to hear from people who know Mark.