Saturday, September 24, 2011

Happy Birthday!

So anyway, you have been on my mind quite a bit these day's, as another birthday approached, came & went at lightening speed. A lot of folk missing you, recalling your goodness & sending birthday wishes your way still. You went to heaven when you were 37 and would have turned 54 yesterday. I guess that is one nice thing about dying young... you will always be youthful in the memories of those who think of you. Will always feel a particular void since June, 1994 when you enhaled your very first breath in heaven and released your last breath on earth. It hurts sometimes since you've gone yet I take comfort in knowing you are in a state of perfection.  vI know somehow, your spirit connects with me and other loved one's. I know because I pray it so, I feel it and when other's say or do something that is just like your distinctive brand of humor, smarts, expression & compassion, well you become present in that moment- I smile and my heart warms-up.  Your spirit transcends time and space and embraces us probebly, in more ways than we realize. Thank you for the whispers from heaven.
Long live the twin connection.
I love you brother. 

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