Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Everything & Nothing @ All

Taking in the night sky, relaxing and lounging on the trunk of mom's car. Just shoot the breeze, identify the big and little dipper's, Venus, the moon made us kooky crazy with absurd observation about everything and nothing at all. I knew we would outgrow those times and that I would never forget them. When I see a clear night now I don't see as many stars as we did then but I know they are there... just like I know you're there and still here in my heart and soul, my head. It's all relative isn't it, relative to you and I and everything, everyone who have only to look up at the heavens and see the vastness of life, the mysteries of death and every bit of light that gives us comfort in the middle of all the darkness.

The top of the car trunk in the driveway became a place to retreat to individually too. You'd go out there and day dream, make that get lost in the night sky, taking in what was to be received I suppose. Whatever it was, the solice of reclining outside on the car in the evening, is a good thing to recall.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Sunday is a bittersweet thing... many a good thing can occur yet the weekend closes in on the work week, homework is due, work Monday. For now it's quiet and comfortable in my corner of the world as I think and pray about anybody who suffers, the young, old, innocent one's with no place to go, biting pain, despair, fear, isolation looms.

Holy Spirit cast your mercy, comfort, consolation, peace on those who suffer. Please be with those who are not winding down from a lovely weekend and gearing-up in eager anticipation of the week ahead.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


So even tho' you incurred much grief on me as your twin sister, you also provided much goodness & great memories. What we shared from the beginning as womb mates to the very last time I saw you walking around, is an uncommon connection for obvious reasons and many more not so obvious. How very special and precious, how well I know and remain amazed at the sustainability of the twin ness.
I was thinking about the Saturday morning at KANW, I was on one side of a glass partition and you were on the other on the control boards. You kind of dozed-off in between songs, on oxygen by then, around spring 1994. I remember thinking; Don't die. I could feel you getting weak, sick and tired. You never mentioned the possibility of having to say goodbye, just kept on plowing through.
I don't like to go on about this matter either... but damn,, sometimes, well. You were born a few minutes b4 me, then you up and left some years b4 me. Well, that's just fine. You go on outta here with you're bad self. Enjoy the hell out of the peaceful, powerful, place of privilege, the perfection that encompasses you now. Wow! What's not to look forward to? For now tho' mom is hanging in there but grows increasingly weary of this world. The good news is her life, like yours continues to bless us in more ways then we realize.