Friday, August 23, 2019

The End

At the end of our lives, for one thing we are not always aware we are at the end of life. No one knows for sure when it is we will see our last sunrise or sunset, give or receive the last kiss and hug, say or hear the last kind, weird or worrisome word. We like to think our days are not numbered and limited, that we have more time to reflect on the richness of the days we lived and loved and meant more than we could ever convey and made life worth living.

The depth, breath and scope of our lives goes through the predictable growing pains as well as aches and breaks, bang-ups, hang-ups and blind-sided punches no one saw coming. Life's woes render stretch marks that only become more visible as time goes by. We evolve into better people seasoned by life and experiences, painful and precious, priceless moments. Weather, consciously or sub-consciously one becomes better instead of bitter at living life in such a way that we develop a sense of graciousness cultivated by an acceptance for as the Serenity Prayer say's; ...Accepting the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.

If life teaches us anything it is to go with the flow as one constantly adapts and modifies in order to keep oneself together and at peace, especially when life blind-sides you by throwing blows to the head and heart. To recover in due time, God speed regarding the healing of open wounds that ooze the bloody, sun scorched stench of raw and bloody burns, open wounds and bruises brought on by every little and large thing possible. All of it, the messy, mind altering, heart stopping, completely joy filled times and ugly, hurtful things that make us wish things were not so.

In the end, we hope for a peaceful ending, satisfying and painless close of a good run. We aspire to make our exit on good terms with the people who loved us to death. The End

Friday, August 2, 2019


The first rays of light signals the respective part of earth and it's inhabitants of another day and the beginning of another shot at life, another chance to improve ourselves and anything else that can be better than the day before. The yawns, stretches, sighs and first steps of a new day are tentative at first then shift into resolve to move forward with purpose and all the reasons to get on with what may come and what is anticipated.

Earth faces the sun as it rises and laces-on it's dancing shoes, the life-giving dance of the cosmos, continues. People, plants and animals depend on the energy emanated by the massive and powerful star at the center of our solar system. It is an ageless utility company, a constant raging inferno held together by elements that generate light and heat a precise orchestration and daily phenomenon. The day progresses at it's own perfectly timed pace, ever so slightly, spectacularly strong without question a daily presence even when clouds or other atmospheric activity obscure the view.

So much is planned around the sun's existence, humankind would be lost in space without the majestic powerful force, with it's round molten hot spherical shape shining it's blinding, beautiful light on the world. Earthlings look up and expect to see the sun everyday in all of the opulent grand and glorious unforgiving, means and ways
it dances the day away.