Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Memories, Messages & Brilliant Gems

We walk alone and surrounded by others, is it loneliness or freedom? Is it isolation or solitude? Is it forlorn or nostalgic? It is the tiny sliver of life, those moments of no consequence that made an impact however miniscule or profound, memories that remain locked and loaded in the heart spaces. Memories inlaid like a brilliant gem perfectly set in your core, the location where life's lavishness as well as the harshness of living, lands, unloads, refines and rebuilds with an a sense of urgency and natural desire to replace bitterness with beauty, cruelty with compassion, the darkness with light constantly attempting to recreate a better version of itself. It is a spectacularly simple, a particular alchemy comprised of mangled, jagged rusty heavy metal, it melts into an angel-soft, strong, elegant element. It is precious and powerful, a perfect spot. It is the soul, more resilient and magnificent than a super hero!

Remembering times, someone made you feel so loved or important, special and super good about yourself in any manner? The silver sliver of an experience happened during a time you were not at your best and you felt more compelled to withdraw, lick your wounds maybe wallow in worrisome, brooding thoughts. Out of no where the opportunity to contribute to life with a simple gesture of respect. Someone communicates something kind and thoughtful, a dramatic yet subtle shift occurs, spirits and burdens are lifted that very moment and life is good.

Meanwhile, landmark day's like holiday's, anniversaries and birthdays bring to mind the monumental and quiet days and years past. Sad days, days that last forever and days we wish would never end are almost relived as we lose ourselves in the reverie of our own personal history, the good, grand, bad and ugly.

To translate what my heart wants to emit is like a passionate jazz pianist swaying, moving and grooving, sliding and gliding over the keys, from side to side barely able to contain himself. Almost spastically words pop-up on the surface of the screen letter by letter, words dance into a sentence, ideas, reflective points to be made, a lamentation, messages to share as thoughts hover overhead then plucked from memory banks where the movie trailers and tapes of our lives are screened repeatedly. The fleeting times filled with heart warming, heart wrenching, mind blowing, sweet, sad, rich moments. We can recall every detail (the way we remember it)  as priceless, painful, precious and provocative as life can be.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

MARK & THE MARKERS!! !!!____________

Mark and the first Marker! Mark aspired to have a band named: Mark & The Markers.
He got his wish!


Saturday, April 30, 2016

Where You Fit

The puzzle laid bare for us to put together, everyday, everyway.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Would It Kill You?

Would it kill you to be kind, show some respect be a good example of a human? Would you be weak to show compassion, tenderness and tolerance for those who go against your grain?

Would life be better if you had every little and big thing your heart desires?
Would your heart be brave every time it breaks and mends and bursts and beat to a different drummer like mine? Would you have peace if there were no wars? Would you love if you were not loved in return? Would you give without receiving?

Would you want to rebuild, restart, revive, resuscitate your life in new and uncharted territory if you could? Would living differently than what is familiar, be so bad? Would a second thought, second glance and second chance ever be welcomed? Would the good old days be as good if you could live them all over again? Would you consider changing your mind, rethink your strong opinion at the risk of evolving into a different person you thought you knew very well.
Would you? Just wondering. Our answers, are ours to live with and merely questions posed that you may never be asked again.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Thank You, Mom

Marian "Sparky" Ipiotis
August 28, 1925 ~ January 30, 2016

Thank you for being the best you could be, as a person, a woman, a mother, grandmother, godmother, friend, relative to many people. You taught us well the meaning of respect, of working hard and cherishing the ones who care for you.

We hold you in our memories like we breathe in the air, we think of you as if you've never left this world. You will remain in the sacred places where our hearts and spirits long to be. We love you more than we could ever adequately convey and we know you championed your children like a mother lion protects her cubs. We love you in the quiet times, happy, lonely times, when laughter roars and tears trickle down our faces.

We hold on to the sound of your smile and the smell of your graciousness. We know you are around in ways that only a mother in heaven can understand and we appreciate your divine appointment and place among the angels and saints who experience life and learned how to move on into a peaceful, powerful, perfect place of privilege. Thank you for every little and big thing you ever did for us and so many others. You made life more livable and lovable. Thank you Mom. We love you.