Friday, June 30, 2023

Summer Time

So many memories of Summers growing-up with Mark. The long hot dog-day afternoons
hanging around the house. Cereral and toast in the morning, chores, board games, cards or Wahoo, like Chinese Checkers maybe starting supper or tending to some miscellanious task for 
Mom  before she got home from work. The evenings after supper included playing catch or baseball in the street or a badminton tournament at the neighbors house across the street. 
   The times we spent talking, aguing, laughing, daydreaming about the future and the what if's. The quiet mornings that turned to busy afternoons planning and going to J Gym or The YMCA to swim, lining-up money, tickets and ride to and from the Duke's baseball games The simple days we knew would not last forever but wished they did. The first dreaded signs of summers end when the first back-to-school advertisements started surfacing. Summers were bridges from the end of a school to the next year and we couldn't get enough of them. Some of my fondest memories include long hot Summer day's with a side-kick near-by.