Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye, Hello

So long 2012, it's been a nice year, good things happening, simple, quiet times, news of catastrophe, devastation and humanity at it's worst and best. Life is quite something to behold, death even more unsettling in all it's mysteries.
I hold on to hope for a happy new year, continued blessings, the comforts I've known should be bestowed upon everyone, love and care, a warm bed, people are fed, blessed and a blessing, assured that tomorrow will be full of everything good. I pray for peace in a world full of storms and uncertainty, for comfort and joy for the ones who need it the most.
Let's take a deep breath and plunge into next year. God bless you 2013!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas 2012

Prayed the Our Father, Hail Mary, sang Silent Night, shed some cold tears, warm laughs and held on to each other as we remembered you many times enjoying this time of year surrounded by your family and friends. We love you and hold on to your joy, your love, your grace and goodness.

I recall simple years, mom hovering over us with her love. She baked biscochito's, those red & green log cookies and let us go nuts decorating the various shaped cookies, there was a bell, star, Santa Claus, loved the chile relleno balls, the chicharones she made from the left over chops for the pasole.

 It's A Wonderful Life on TV, or Miracle On 63rd St, White Christmas or The Bells of St Mary's. Midnight Mass, the excitement, wonder and love, always priceless, magic of a miraculous nature. It happened that we shared many sweet, simple, life changing and heart warming moments. I hold on to a lot of it, the day in  day out stuff,  the extra special experiences we shared are still a part of me ☼ 

Friday, December 21, 2012

New Day

It is a new way to live, to enjoy blessings, be a better person, share your love, joy, everything good and good for you, me, them, us. We look for answers our questions will never know, we look for comfort from discontent, we crave a soft, safe, forgiving place to land at the end of the day.

In the middle of it all, are heart stopping, mind expanding, jaw dropping moments that only tears can address, a hardy laugh can complete and a good sweat can satisfy. Among the absurdities, tragedies, triumphs and day in day out experiences our heart strings are pulled and trigger any number of emotional responses however appropriate or irrational as it can be. Experiences do define the world to us in such a way that everything might seem hopeless, beyond understanding while other times seem to simply melt into the next.

The day flies by or simply seems suspended in time while the night moves about quickly or in slow motion depending on what's going on. It is out of our hands, yes, much of it, yet very much within our scope and capacity to bring about all the love, peace, joy and comfort in and outside the world, universe, cosmos, existence.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Time Traveler

Time rolls on like a long winding road,  at night car lights line the road one after the other like a string of pearls unraveling down the hill. The sky is clear as the stratosphere shines a spotlight on the moon. The glow is dramatic and powerful, the purest form of art, comforting and sweet.  Creatures stir, stars fall, the traveler waits and watches for moments of brilliance to flash across the horizon like a wonderful surprise.

Daylight captures the landscape, it is a diverse terrain draped in hills, peaks and plateau's. The trip includes risks and challenges with intermittent overcast skies,  quiet precedes the storm, it pounds the pavement and dances across the dashboard as the sun waits patiently to dry it out and illuminate the sky with it's radiance. The journey melts into miles of unpaved and rocky places, relief awaits just around the next corner.

The path may be perilous, mysterious, uncharted and requires safety precautions, good directions, perhaps a map. Move toward the way of least resistance to the area's that best suite you and your mode of transportation. Move forward with faith, follow what speaks to you, calls out your name and feels right, comfortable and makes you glad you took the route you did.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Peaceful Place

To find a place where only love and peace reside is to immerse oneself into a calm state of mind, it is accessible at all times and can be found at the center of our consciousness in our heart and soul. Peace of mind comes with resolve to settle into a quiet condition, it becomes more important and necessary when a pressurized, stress-filled world would rather steal our attention.

The effort to control negative reaction presents more of a challenge than one might have the power and presence of the mind to cultivate. Our willingness to simply be aware of a moment of frustration or confusion, determines the outcome of the moment even if the best reaction is to do nothing more than breathe, calm down and keep in check emotionally. Easier said than done perhaps but a worthwhile practice, as the pace of life quickens more with each passing day, it is essential to the quality of life and each individuals own responsibility to promote peace. To maintain with deliberate intention, in as much as we are capable of doing, to go forth bearing a positive mind set.

If in our way of proceeding in and processing life, everything becomes negative based and we become carelessly reactive we tend to be unhappy, inpatient people. If our attitude is more a blending of good intentions, respect, kindness, compassion, patience, then we become the person we wish everyone were. At the end of the day we receive what we give. We, as vulnerable fragile individuals become strong in our own awareness of what is truly necessary and fundamentally right and aligned with a perfect, powerful place of privilege. We become stronger and more stoic in our pursuit of peace and happiness. We are a blessing and not a burden unto ourselves nor those we encounter by happenstance or nearest to us.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Miracle of Life

Arlo and big sister, Maleah 10.24.12
WOW!!! and I mean WOW! Had the great privilege of witnessing the birth of your third grandchild last night! Naturally baby Arlo is about as precious and perfectly wonderful as can be. Maria Elena and Arlo are blessed with one another and Modi's first born, Maleah. She has that same bear cub quality to her that your own three lil bears possess. Nancy is beaming and was almost ready to pull baby Arlo out herself, to say she was eager to see her hito is an understatement! Uncle Marky and Auntie Sophia are all about the love and affection for sister.

Love is at the forefront of this occasion, we miss you more than words can say yet we are happy to acknowledge your spiritual presence. Here is how our lives carry-on, in spirit, mind and body, we connect, we share the past, the present and the future. We are people brought together by divine appointment to love one another, to experience the times of our lives.

Blessings abound.

Friday, October 12, 2012


One suffers another one celebrates.
One goes missing, taken from the comfort of their own familiar place,
fear and isolation ensues and suddenly becomes a scathing reality.
No one even knows where to look,
while another one shows-up in grand fashion, fabulous and fulfilled. 
Eye's twinkle like stars, shine with light and love, eager to take on the next exciting, mind expanding image. Eyes go blank, blurred with despair,
doubt consumes a clear vision and distorts the view, desperation and disappointment
take hold as the eyes have seen too much for the heart and soul to bear.
We wonder how life can be so wonderful, smooth, sweet,
glorious, breathtaking and triumphant
when the harsh realities of others are profoundly rough and unfair,
fraught with misery like an out of control wild fire wrecks havoc,
leaving only the remnants of what was once a peaceful and comfortable existence.
To find your place in the world, to belong, go and come and do as you please with little to no regard for your safety, your freedom, your overall well being and security-
what everyone desires, wishes and hopes for.
But not everyone can obtain even the simplest conveniences without a struggle.
It is wise and recommended then to appreciate the comforts of life, the resources available with access to people we love and who love and care for us.
Humankind's presence on this earthly plane is magnificent, mysterious, merciless, meager and mighty. At once fragile, resilient, precious, precarious and puny
as anything known or unknown unto itself. 
Does compassion matter? Who will consider and understand anothers pain? 
To be better people in the name of surviving a hurting, hateful world, one attempts through action, prayer, humility and sensitivity to understand the urgent need for respect and kindness toward one another and others who do not even know what it is to be loved and cherished, acknowledged and take part in everything good, happy and healthy.
We must come and go in peace.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy Birthday!

This candle has been lit all day in remembrance of you.
Happy Birthday to you dear Mark, Happy Birthday to you!
We remember you with love, with longing, but mostly with a good feeling about the great memories of birthday celebrations whether low key or of the hell raising variety where we laughed like there was no tomorrow.
We hold on to what we can, to each other, your great spirit, the joy and heart tugging, mind blowing moments, twin times meant for only Mark and Mary and those let in on the malarkey and locked in our memory banks and will be remembered endearingly forever.
Here's to life, here's to Mark,  the goodness that remains and is still thought of with much love.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Whole World

No where to run, no where to hide, the whole world is exposed and vulnerable to hate, injustice, tyranny, the abuse and hostility of others. We can only hope for love, peace and justice to prevail. We can only hope for our safety and for freedom to endure, for safety from those who would rather see others suffer than to live in peace and seek the preservation of goodness and respect for precious life.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Love Remembers

Pretty simple song actually, it speaks of the staying power of love, from the cradle to the grave & beyond. This 1993 George Benson song became a personel anthem during the time of Mark's death in June, 1994. It is still reassuring to know that "Love Remembers what we forget, love remembers, every little thing".
Love Remembers People come and people go
They touch our lives and never know...
But all you can be sure
While you're regretting (you can be sure)
What you're forgetting
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Love remembers
What you forget
(love remembers)
Love remembers
(love remembers)
What you forget
(love remembers)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Summer Olympics 2012

The 2012 Summer Olympics are on which means several sports competitions are showcased as athletes from all around the world, in their finest form compete to determine who is the best of the best. The nail biting, heart stopping, jaw dropping display of determination, focus, athleticism, will and passion are brought to the forefront of the world. Kids are motivated to follow in the fleet footed steps of the Olympic athletes, adults watch with excitement and pride as their countrymen and women represent their respective countries.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Simple Summer Fun

During the long hot day's of summer, Mark and I devised different way's of competing with one another to test our agility and our fine and gross motor skills. Fist-a-cuff's sometimes ensued when we got carried away and too competitive.  We enjoyed turning anything into a contest; who could drink a glass of water without taking a breath, who could stand on one leg the longest, who could go the longest without blinking. We were always attempting to better our personal records in such things as tossing the baseball, mush ball, football, birdie, Frisbee or whatever, without dropping it. An easy toss often turned into a hard throw at close range, to make it more of a challenge, back and forth, volleying the object in the air. We were typically disgusted with the one who dropped the ball but quickly started another round again to see how many times we could keep it alive and in the air.
Many a summer we set-up an obstacle course in the backyard. The mostly harmless friendly matches of stamina, agility, strength, balance, hand to eye coordination and over all athleticism kept us occupied for good little chunks of time and if anyone else wanted in on the action, we would turn the  games of speed and endurance into tournaments, with brackets for elimination rounds and all.
Those were the dog day's of summer which also included tremendous fun at Johnson Gym, The YMCA or some other public or private swimming pool, a few season tickets to watch Albuquerque Dukes Baseball was a treat and if the game was a sleeper, we could usually count on some knuckle head(s) in the crowd to provide us with fodder for our colorful commentary and mocking purposes, not insulting to their face or looking for trouble in anyway, merely material if you will, for our own inside amusement and entertainment.

We hung around the house foot loose and fancy free enjoying the summer's off from school, happy to create our own activities after doing chores, maybe get lost in playing cards or board games if it was too hot outside. Whatever we did, it usually included plenty of malarkey, sass and good laughs. We tried to squeeze out every drop of summer vacation we could during those long day's of summer, simple stuff, goofing off, thinking of fun things to do until the days seemed to close-in on us, the minute the advertisements for school supplies began surfacing.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The 4th of July represents America's Declaration of Independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. It is a national holiday and a time to celebrate our freedom, a human right which comes with a high price tag and too often costs the lives of those whose only intention was and is; to maintain our freedom and Independence from tyranny.

The history of the United States is as fascinating as it is sad, it is as exciting as it is painful. Tumultuous times as well as triumphant moments have created this great nation and still now, more than ever this land and it's people struggle to maintain certain civil liberties, justice and the pursuit of happiness for all.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mark My Words

People remembering you today Mark, Marky, Mark of Mark & The Markers, brother, brudder, fart face, mom's monkey-faced son, friend, foe, faithful and loyal beyond any doubt- twin brother.

I figured you would remain a prominent figure in my life based on being from the same family and being each other's twin.. of course it was a must from the get go, it had to be.

Rheumatoid arthritis wrecked havoc on your once athletic, strong, healthy body, your mind was always in tact as your great spirit lives on, with all the strength of the mightiest of warriors.
Your physical body could only take so many underhanded blows, it was a tough fight, knock down drag-out, get-up again and again, noble and gallant. It was a match of epic proportions, all out warfare and you were a formidable contender, to the bitter end. You duked it out like an undisputed world champion and still hold a world title for being the person you were and will be remembered for.
May you rest peacefully, powerfully, perfectly for all eternity and always remain part of us.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Memories rush upon us on day's like this,
it is right and necessary that we remember those who sacraficed their own lives
so that other's could live peacefully.
It is a day where memories of the past make us who we are today.
Memorial Day is taken to heart by the one's who know the pain of grief and loss. 
With love and memories of our dearly departed,
we carry on and never forget the important,
priceless things that really matter,
 and remain locked in our hearts and souls forever.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Want to say; You are the best of people,  you are light, love, everything good. I pray, you are in a blessed and sacred place of a pure and holy spirit. You are free and will remain somewhere beyond the dawn of time and nearer than my own heartbeat, places only the depth of our souls fathom. I connect with you in such a way that can not adaquately be described. Your mother, wife, children, other brothers and sisters, other people past and present, who love you... would say; they connect with you in wonderful special ways, and share important history with you too.

Monday, April 30, 2012


It's been an interesting ride April, actually smooth as butter compared to much rougher rides going on out there. Thank you, for every day and night of it. Many reports of death, through illness, accidental, physical complications of life, people sick and tired or simply life that has run it's course  ~ Conversely, word of new birth and celebrations of life are brought to light. Right in front of our eyes, in the epicenter of our heart, at the core of our being; it is life's entrance and exit that stirs our soul the most, powerful emotions surface. The introduction can be as dramatic as the roar of a lion or as quiet as the purr of a kitten. 
Life and death, the beginning and the end remain mysterious, magnificant, miraculous, prompts one to consider again from whence we came and our own departure from this earthly plain.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sometimes life seems overwhelming, when the triumph's prompt elation and you feel like your heart could burst as it swells with joy, tears well-up and all you can do is let your eye's release the overflow.  When pain, grief and despair surface, we feel overcome as if it is simply too much to bare. Try as we may to be strong, brave, forge-on, it is worth considering the path of least resistance and let yourself go through it, take on times of upheaval, uncomfortable change, internal or external negativity. If need be;  cry it out, laugh it out, sweat it out, hug it out, try tho' to make it right, write about it and ride it out. Do for yourself whatever it takes to get past, through, up and around the blows and woe's of life.

All things pass, this too, whether it is life at it's best or at it's worst, whether our hearts are full of love, delight,  fire, desire, darkness, passion, profound sadness, music, merriment, moments of madness or complete chaos... it passes into the next moment, the next experience and emotion which make us who we are and creates the memories- good or bad, the miracles, wonder and times of our lives.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


People seem to walk with a little extra bounce in their step during the Spring. The promise of  good things to come taps the shoulder of Winter, wanting to take the reigns and replace the biting cold days with temperatures more conducive to creating good moods. The great outdoors hearkens after strong blowing winds stormed and settled in like a bull in a china shop.
Life changes with a subtle sweetness or with obnoxious abandon. Humankind continues to evolve, some take to changes smoothly while others struggle to find their rhythm, recalibrate then synchronize with the natural ebb and flow of this wild, wonderful world.  All the day in, day out, goings on, make us who we are, what and where we are meant to be and when. Time and space transition into the next phase to complete the cycle in accordance with our place and purpose in the heavens.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"... however measured, or far away."

"If a man loses pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away. "  ~ Henry David Thoreau (American essayist, poet and practical philosopher) 7.12.1817 - 5.6.1862

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


As in "leap of faith", leap-frog, leap year... incremental motion forward. The end of the second month of the year draws near and already here for some parts of the globe. February 29, 2012 is a leap day and part of the leap year which occurs every four years. Something about an extra day being added to one day of February, to match-up the solar year consisting of 365¼ days and the calender year holding 365 days. A leap year has 366 days in it. It's all so sorted and fascinating.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Just a little shumn-shumn in the way of acknowledging the recent Valentine's Day. I think about grade school when we were allowed to distribute those silly cards, put them on class mates desks and hope we were on the receiving end of really good one's ourselves. Even the teachers and boy's participated, it was simple stuff and makes for a nice little memory, recalling to mind the time of year when there is a little extra something in the air... love,  kindness, thoughtfulness. We would make sure, we either made a Valentine or paid for one or two to present to mom... it was always well received with loving exuberance and the utmost appreciation.
FYI: No time nor space removes you from our hearts and souls.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dog Gone Good Dog's

Here is ½ of a minute or so, worth of impressive malarkey
featuring a group of camping loving K-9s.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday's (circa 1960s)

On Sunday's after church mom fixed a big Sunday meal, fried chicken, meatloaf or pork chops with all the fixins, the newspaper would be passed around and we liked the comics especially if someone would explain what exactly was going on in each frame. When Mom could and there was something we wanted to see, she would give us enough money for the movies, snack & made sure we had a ride to and from the Kimo, State, Sunshine or Highland Theater. It was always a treat and so much fun for us while mom no doubt appreciated a little time to herself.
Sunday evening television meant Voyage To the Bottom of The Sea, The Wonderful World of Disney, Wagon Train and the ever popular- Ed Sullivan Show. Topo Gigio, the marionette mouse was gentle and sweet when exchanging chit-chat and banter with crusty 'ol Ed. Señor Winces the wise-cracking, talking hand was a riot and good wholesome entertainment in contrast to the hysteria prompted by Elvis Presley's gyrations or the mop-haired Beatles when they invaded America and sang about "Wanting to Hold Your Hand", big sister's Sophie and Marcie even reacted to the group with an unfamiliar hysteria that included screaming as the foursome began their devil-may-care performance.
Then there was homework, getting our uniforms ready for school and like it or not setting our sights on school bright and early Monday morning. Seems like only yesterday yet light years ago... those school days at SFX and the no nonsense teaching approach of the Sister's of Charity from Cincinnati, Ohio.  Mrs Sanchez, ran the school cafeteria and if she was in a good mood when a kid asked for seconds on a hot bun she would let you have one.
Just recapping a typical Sunday in the mid 60s around this time of year, when we were in grade school and the overall mood and feel of those days was good and easy going.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Crazy Talk

So, yeah... this is what commercials look like in the 21st Century. This crazy coocoo-nutty bit of TV commercialism reminds me of you and Larry Gulliford.