Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mark My Words

People remembering you today Mark, Marky, Mark of Mark & The Markers, brother, brudder, fart face, mom's monkey-faced son, friend, foe, faithful and loyal beyond any doubt- twin brother.

I figured you would remain a prominent figure in my life based on being from the same family and being each other's twin.. of course it was a must from the get go, it had to be.

Rheumatoid arthritis wrecked havoc on your once athletic, strong, healthy body, your mind was always in tact as your great spirit lives on, with all the strength of the mightiest of warriors.
Your physical body could only take so many underhanded blows, it was a tough fight, knock down drag-out, get-up again and again, noble and gallant. It was a match of epic proportions, all out warfare and you were a formidable contender, to the bitter end. You duked it out like an undisputed world champion and still hold a world title for being the person you were and will be remembered for.
May you rest peacefully, powerfully, perfectly for all eternity and always remain part of us.