Monday, August 30, 2021

Twins Forever

No doubt I will always be a twin, my twin brother is in heaven as far as we can tell. He keeps in touch through fluttering butterflies that fly close enough to notice and get a glimpse of a celestial frontier we can only imagine. You are missed, Mark, your absence has settled in my bones but your special cameo appearances reassure me something is happening, quietly, beyond words beyond reason and meant for me to see, these moments are always welcome, you and the sweet signs that hint of your presence.

The connection remains strong intact, apparent and recognized with love, peace and gratitude. Thank you for the partnership, I do not forget my twin brother and womb-mate. We showed-up only a few minutes apart one after the other. I do not wonder where you are, if you are OK, I believe you are excellent and here, near mama and me and other precious loved ones who miss you quite terribly still. For me, I take a great deal of satisfaction knowing I am your twin sister blessed with a beautiful twin brother, angel and we are twins forever.