Sunday, December 31, 2023

2023 into 2024

All the best to you as 2023 slides into 2024. I hope the past year has been good to you and for you. I hope you are looking forward to the new year with a fresh perspective and cultivate the goodness in place and start new and improved ways of traversing through the days and seasons ahead. I hope you have peace or find it if it currently eludes you. Your peace is as close as your own heartbeat, hold on to your humanity, humility and most valuable essence, your very being and presence is important and necessary. This comes from someone who has lost the freedom that peace of mind affords and thankfully found it.

We have it in us to calm ourselves and just be our simple yet meaningful selves, perfectly flawed, perfectly imperfect and strive everyday to be better and aware of the many blessings that abound and can hardly wait to meet us right where we are.

May peace and love, joy and kindness be yours.  💜


Did that white butterfly make a sound or is it my imagination? It did not sound like one would imagine a butterfly sounds.  It was a clack in two or three quick beats not a delicate fluid melodic sound. It happened lightening fast right in front of me in harmony with the natural surrounding. Life like chirping birds broadcast their news of the moment as the rustling trees sway mightily in a meloncholy way that remind me of gentle ocean waves. The bouncing butterfly flutters and bounces toward the sprawling marigolds near the stirring dog, Jax who stretches and scratches his back across a peice of carpet. Meanwhile the wind chime chimes gently. 

The daily meditation reading reminds me to orbit around the sun in simple peace, keeping my head and heart and eye on the super natural Holy Spirit, on things above and in all that transcend the limitations of the world. 
With faith, courage and confidence in the power of prayer and hope in the Grace and glory of God, the creator, author and finisher of life and all things we are not aware of, I go. 🦋