Tuesday, April 30, 2024


May the new month be good to you. 
May the mothers who love us, nurture and care for us remain in our core
in places of the heart and soul where only 
love and peace reside. 


Sunday, March 31, 2024

๐Ÿ•Š Gracious Goodness

Happy Easter!๐ŸŒผ May Gracious Blessings be upon us. 
Prayers and good thoughts for good things, peace of mind, good health and happiness, soft landings and simple days filled with wonder and wisdom to grow into better people everyday. ๐ŸŒป


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Faithful Companions

When we were kids Moochie, the family pet a Shetland Sheepdog we acquired from a family friend who had some kind of connection to Macho Picchu, the mystical mountain range in Peru, thought to be The Lost City of The Inca's. 

The blessed creature was a long haired midsize dog who regularly had a crusty plume type tail. Moochie was protective of twins, Mark and Mary as a loyal dog who gave dogs a good name. He was a friendly and lovable member of the family who is still spoken of fondly after all these years. 

Our pets truly do make a life long impression on us. It is a mark made purely of love and devotion to the people who care for them as much as they love and care for us. 


Wednesday, January 31, 2024


It was a year full everything life thows out. Ready or not every day is part and parcel of the year. The good days, gut wrenching and everything in between that allows us to come up for air to catch our breath. We hope for the best while attempting to figure out the worst, adapting and modifying in ways according to the situation. We hope we have the chops to take on the challenge of the moment with as much grace as it takes to hold our heads up knowing we did our best. 

We look forward to another year full of opportunies and new experiences as we strive to evolve into the best versions of ourselves. It requires moving at a manageable pace in the eye of a fast moving world. To keep our selves together, at peace, content and compassionate, forgiving and loving, empathetic and tolerant toward others,of things and people who are wreckless and just don't care about others. We are called to lean-in harder to love, peace, respect for others with more determination to maintain a level of life that is livable, lovable, doable, nothing outlandish just a simple sense of fair play, justice, respect for the person in the back of the room and in the front. 

To another year full of hope and possibilities of better, brighter more beautiful days ahead. 


Sunday, December 31, 2023

2023 into 2024

All the best to you as 2023 slides into 2024. I hope the past year has been good to you and for you. I hope you are looking forward to the new year with a fresh perspective and cultivate the goodness in place and start new and improved ways of traversing through the days and seasons ahead. I hope you have peace or find it if it currently eludes you. Your peace is as close as your own heartbeat, hold on to your humanity, humility and most valuable essence, your very being and presence is important and necessary. This comes from someone who has lost the freedom that peace of mind affords and thankfully found it.

We have it in us to calm ourselves and just be our simple yet meaningful selves, perfectly flawed, perfectly imperfect and strive everyday to be better and aware of the many blessings that abound and can hardly wait to meet us right where we are.

May peace and love, joy and kindness be yours.  ๐Ÿ’œ



Did that white butterfly make a sound or is it my imagination? It did not sound like one would imagine a butterfly sounds.  It was a clack in two or three quick beats not a delicate fluid melodic sound. It happened lightening fast right in front of me in harmony with the natural surrounding. Life like chirping birds broadcast their news of the moment as the rustling trees sway mightily in a meloncholy way that remind me of gentle ocean waves. The bouncing butterfly flutters and bounces toward the sprawling marigolds near the stirring dog, Jax who stretches and scratches his back across a peice of carpet. Meanwhile the wind chime chimes gently. 

The daily meditation reading reminds me to orbit around the sun in simple peace, keeping my head and heart and eye on the super natural Holy Spirit, on things above and in all that transcend the limitations of the world. 
With faith, courage and confidence in the power of prayer and hope in the Grace and glory of God, the creator, author and finisher of life and all things we are not aware of, I go. ๐Ÿฆ‹

Saturday, September 30, 2023


Happy Birthday's are a tricky thing. Since Mark signed-off in 1994 his absence is ironically larger than life even though you learn to cope with and more or less manage grief. The void is a constant squatters matter of the heart with no intention of ever vacating the spartan empty space. 

The memories are vivid and prompt sentimental and forlorn feelings. You are missed more than we can say Mark, yet you always seem to be around. You and I still share a birthday I have not doubt, it is just very noticeable that you are not physically here especially in September.
As Mom would say; "K.I.T! (keep in touch). ๐Ÿ•Š


Thursday, August 31, 2023


Shifting from one month to the next as the seasons change people change, the mood, the mind and body as the world spins on it's own axis. We are challenged with the on-going task of going with the flow, adapting and modifying in accordance with the changes ready or not. Here's to birthday's and transitions into other wordly places. To matters of the heart that keep us going and motivated to bring our best to life with love and respect at the epicenter of it all regardless of the time or season.  


Monday, July 31, 2023


Justice for all, if only life were fair and just for everyone in all corners of the world. What a gentler world where people are happier and healthier, more inclined to be gentler to one another and even the environment would be treated more carefully with the respect that people and the earth deserves and owes to itself. 

The energy of the world would shift as humankind beleives in our preciousnous and the importance of fairness and equality with a strong sense and appreciation for the delicate nature of our very existence.


Friday, June 30, 2023

Summer Time

So many memories of Summers growing-up with Mark. The long hot dog-day afternoons
hanging around the house. Cereral and toast in the morning, chores, board games, cards or Wahoo, like Chinese Checkers maybe starting supper or tending to some miscellanious task for 
Mom  before she got home from work. The evenings after supper included playing catch or baseball in the street or a badminton tournament at the neighbors house across the street. 
   The times we spent talking, aguing, laughing, daydreaming about the future and the what if's. The quiet mornings that turned to busy afternoons planning and going to J Gym or The YMCA to swim, lining-up money, tickets and ride to and from the Duke's baseball games The simple days we knew would not last forever but wished they did. The first dreaded signs of summers end when the first back-to-school advertisements started surfacing. Summers were bridges from the end of a school to the next year and we couldn't get enough of them. Some of my fondest memories include long hot Summer day's with a side-kick near-by.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023


One month runs it's course as another one waits in the wings for it's annual appearence. May iss filled with ups and downs, great success and dissapointment. Each day blends into the next no matter how easy or challenging the transition from one day to the next transpires. Everyday is full of new possibilities, new opportunities to change or improve upon something. 

We hope all goes well as the days roll along one week then another as we look at the calendar astonished at the rapid pace our our times. We look up and it is a new month the former days turned into weeks now another month proceeds according to what we know as time and space in accordance with the prescribed and spontanious sequence of events. People rely on time for tracking what happens, when, how and with whom. All of it appropriated in an organized, manageable system while full of the unforseen and surprises. 
