Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Thank you, for being such a big part of my life, still, even if you did check-out in '94 and caught your direct flight to heaven. You are engrained in my DNA, thoughts and prayers.  Part and parcel of twindom for me means something special, blessed, on-going. Who can say with certainty how it happens that a child is born and lives, survives, thrives and gets to live another day, year or years. Who is to say how our course runs, starts, stops, reruns, stops again temporarily or indefinitely. The twin connection continues in some capacity as part of the original 2pk design that landed safely swimming upstream as all the other millions of swimming seeds went down stream. The feeling and sense I am an individual and singular being is also me. 

When I reflect on the years gone-by and yet to come, you are frequently part of the landscape. I know you are around as your spirit, things you said and did float around in existence and the memory banks. I wonder how you would be about everything, while making peace with where you have taken-up residence, I pray your place is truly perfect, powerful, peaceful, and full of grace, beyond words. There is so much humankind does not realize, our scope is limited as mysteries and miracles prevail and swirl around unbeknownst and known to us. I feel grateful for such knowledge and awareness of things to appreciate.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

My Story

My story is one that reflects love, hate, happiness, dark days and the brightest nights. It includes a suffering humanity to the sublime innocence of the child within us all. My story has been told by many through the ages, seasoned by the comedies and tragedies life bears. From the mundane and mediocre to the spectacular nature of experiencing miracles, often. 

It is a story book filled with tales of epic proportion, heart warming and at once subtle, mightily forged through fiery days to fleeting triumphant times, I hoped would never end. My story weaves in and out of yours. I am humbled and grateful, better for the wear and tear. I am armed and blessed with beautiful treasures to play forward for the rest of my life.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

A Matter of Life and Death

We are born then we die, what happens between living and dying is only part of the equation regarding our place in the vastness of creation. Our time comes and goes measured by time and experiences.

The birth of new life prompts people to rally in support and celebrate another heartbeat and soul, the possibilities, hoping only for the best. When we go it is not uncommon for people to gather and pay respect to the physical life that once existed. Once again, a time to celebrate life.


Friday, July 17, 2020

Day In Day Out

One day, life is moving along at a predictable pace, nothing outrageous happening other than on-going disbelief at political leaders running amuck, out of control, beyond reason. Other than that, it is the daily status quo as challenges, appointments, disappointments, surprises and opportunities await, a typical day in our lives. 

Then one day, news about a flu or virus of some sort named after a beer is it, emerges? The health of 
people everywhere, locally, nationally and around the world, is at risk of contracting it. It is deadly bacteria that can render havoc on the respiratory system. "I can't breathe" our life and times when we should be treating everyone everywhere with respect. Now like in times before, our every breath is in jeopardy. Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, has reared it's ugly unforgiving hateful head and is looking for people and places to inhabit. Information, demographics, statistics, studies, research, tests, preparedness, unpreparedness, politics, indifference, ignorance, human frailty withstanding, the stakes are high. The best and worst of people come to light.

The big picture formerly dependent on schedules, deadlines, seasonal events, activities, trips, long awaited special dates and celebrations, all come to a screeching halt. Suddenly, from one day to the next in early Spring, our days and nights are not as predictable. An avalanche of concerns and questions are set-off as change, subtle at first then saturate the media. Headline news of the deadly disease saturates reports the facts and the potential of imminent changes in the name of public safety, with the matter of life and death on the fore front. As much as you do not want to hear about it, you cannot not listen or take your eyes away, until you can't. It is too much and too easy to fall into despair, meltdown. One learns how to pull yourself together and pray for new perspective a different way of looking at living day in, day out.

From fearful consternation to a humble shift takes place, hopeful ideas spring forth with efforts toward new and improved ways of approaching what was. People, places, things taken for granted even chores, an errand, tasks and projects around the house, work and personal commitments evolve into something much more precious and important. We are still here, fragile, resilient and part of an infected world with open wounds, a world, wonderful, wildly beautiful and impermanent.  We do well to be as loving, compassionate, careful and respectful of one another to reflect our very best, while we can.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Stand By

Let me know you are around. A simple little message to connect, soul to soul. Whether I look for signs from you or something is brought to my attention regarding you and your existence. I know you stand by and help me through moments, days and nights of life here. 

When you left, I knew life would be dramatically different, it required recalibrating my identity as your twin sister. I did quickly realize, once a twin always a twin, even when one of them exists in another configuration. I understand you are present in my earthly life, my imagination and faith tell me that you are around. 

I consider that your life form is perfect beyond time and space, peaceful and happy in your celestial residence. In all of creation, you go beyond anything that can be described adequately. Reaching out, I seek and often find a crazy cool connection, perhaps a thread of communication custom made for me or something boldly set before my eyes to acknowledge your presence.  I am aware and grateful for the fleeting, heartwarming moment. xo