Friday, September 30, 2011

The Other Side by Bruno Mars - ft. Cee Lo Green & B.o.B

This is just a bad-ass beat. Mars blasts off into the musical cosmos wit it... serves it up tight, right, bright, big y beautiful.
"Yeah, I'm a monster but I ain't no frankenstein".... wtf. bad to da dippity do-da! ♪♫♪☼ "It's better if you don't understand"... !

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Happy Birthday!

So anyway, you have been on my mind quite a bit these day's, as another birthday approached, came & went at lightening speed. A lot of folk missing you, recalling your goodness & sending birthday wishes your way still. You went to heaven when you were 37 and would have turned 54 yesterday. I guess that is one nice thing about dying young... you will always be youthful in the memories of those who think of you. Will always feel a particular void since June, 1994 when you enhaled your very first breath in heaven and released your last breath on earth. It hurts sometimes since you've gone yet I take comfort in knowing you are in a state of perfection.  vI know somehow, your spirit connects with me and other loved one's. I know because I pray it so, I feel it and when other's say or do something that is just like your distinctive brand of humor, smarts, expression & compassion, well you become present in that moment- I smile and my heart warms-up.  Your spirit transcends time and space and embraces us probebly, in more ways than we realize. Thank you for the whispers from heaven.
Long live the twin connection.
I love you brother. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Forget Me Not

It is September, of course I am going to think about you, mom's monkey faced son. Today marks the 10th anniversary (9.11.01) of the destruction of thousands of lives and the Twin Towers at the World Tread Center in NYC, the attack on the Pentagon & hero's aboard a United Airlines flight, overthrow highjackers- sacrificing their lives to save others as the plane is downed in Pennsylvania.  That dark day, another day of infamy that stunned the world. America under siege. Still almost unbelievable to witness and imagine all of the profoundly painful, life changing moments, countless stories told of bravery and many stories that will never be told, of death and dying, survival, horrifying, hysteria, happenstance, surreal bone chilling, heart wrenching situations. We all watched and listened in disbelief and shock as the night mare unfolded. The shock wave still felt today. People were a little more tender with one another and respectful during those days of despair and grief- Perhaps thinking twice about the fragile balance between life and death, love and hate, war and peace, darkness and light ~