Sunday, May 29, 2011

Remembering You

When I recall Memorial Day weekends I think of long weekends, camping, day trips, puttering around the house, catching-up on projects and hanging-out with favorite people. You rounding-up a few friendlies for a little barbecue action at your place, and Nancy making sure everybody had plenty. The cold drinks, watermelon, water guns, baby swimming pools, music and good cheer filled the warm air.  I find myself thinking about you as if you were just across town.
We remember the days of summer when our big worries were to go with the vanilla or chocolate ice cream cone from the Dairy Dan truck on Sunday night, or which flavor of popsicle or Nehi soda, coca-cola, rc or doctor pepper?? OR who would take us swimming or to a Dukes baseball game? We remember you and all the people who now exist in perfection and who we love so dearly, still. 
~ Your hearts, as sacred as your spirits are great.
Thankfully, the love remains and continues to comfort and bless. Yes, we remember you and all the goodness you shared ~


Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Loretta and I used to work in IT with your brother at what used to be US West. I just discovered your blog from the sunday obit you posted.

I am so impressed with your style of writing and love and affection you convey thru your words; I sit here with tears in my eyes remembering Mark. Thank you for sharing your memories and allowing me to learn more about my friend that I shared so many laughs with at work. What a great guy he was!

God's blessings to you!

Mary Ellen Ipiotis 'BrunodeLaRoza' said...

Hi Loretta, Thank you very much. Love that you got in on Mark's razar sharp wit. Talk about a barrel of monkeys!!! We used to refer to his office cubie humor as if you all hung-out at Floyds Barber Shop. (Andy Griffith Show) I mean during fleeting moments you all managed to squeek in a grin giggle, during the course of your busy work days. xo, Love & Blessings to you too! me