Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Miracle of Life

Arlo and big sister, Maleah 10.24.12
WOW!!! and I mean WOW! Had the great privilege of witnessing the birth of your third grandchild last night! Naturally baby Arlo is about as precious and perfectly wonderful as can be. Maria Elena and Arlo are blessed with one another and Modi's first born, Maleah. She has that same bear cub quality to her that your own three lil bears possess. Nancy is beaming and was almost ready to pull baby Arlo out herself, to say she was eager to see her hito is an understatement! Uncle Marky and Auntie Sophia are all about the love and affection for sister.

Love is at the forefront of this occasion, we miss you more than words can say yet we are happy to acknowledge your spiritual presence. Here is how our lives carry-on, in spirit, mind and body, we connect, we share the past, the present and the future. We are people brought together by divine appointment to love one another, to experience the times of our lives.

Blessings abound.

Friday, October 12, 2012


One suffers another one celebrates.
One goes missing, taken from the comfort of their own familiar place,
fear and isolation ensues and suddenly becomes a scathing reality.
No one even knows where to look,
while another one shows-up in grand fashion, fabulous and fulfilled. 
Eye's twinkle like stars, shine with light and love, eager to take on the next exciting, mind expanding image. Eyes go blank, blurred with despair,
doubt consumes a clear vision and distorts the view, desperation and disappointment
take hold as the eyes have seen too much for the heart and soul to bear.
We wonder how life can be so wonderful, smooth, sweet,
glorious, breathtaking and triumphant
when the harsh realities of others are profoundly rough and unfair,
fraught with misery like an out of control wild fire wrecks havoc,
leaving only the remnants of what was once a peaceful and comfortable existence.
To find your place in the world, to belong, go and come and do as you please with little to no regard for your safety, your freedom, your overall well being and security-
what everyone desires, wishes and hopes for.
But not everyone can obtain even the simplest conveniences without a struggle.
It is wise and recommended then to appreciate the comforts of life, the resources available with access to people we love and who love and care for us.
Humankind's presence on this earthly plane is magnificent, mysterious, merciless, meager and mighty. At once fragile, resilient, precious, precarious and puny
as anything known or unknown unto itself. 
Does compassion matter? Who will consider and understand anothers pain? 
To be better people in the name of surviving a hurting, hateful world, one attempts through action, prayer, humility and sensitivity to understand the urgent need for respect and kindness toward one another and others who do not even know what it is to be loved and cherished, acknowledged and take part in everything good, happy and healthy.
We must come and go in peace.