Monday, January 11, 2021

Another Year

Another time to restart the months weeks and days ahead until it is 2022. 
Another year to continue, discontinue, start fresh or restart the next twelve months all over again. If only it were that easy and sometimes it is except when things happen that are out of our control like deadly disease or people behaving badly.  The land mark days and seasons of our lives, the experiences that took place at particular times of the year evoke memories that shaped who we are today.                  We do not always get the opportunity to redo what was done or do what should have been done as another new year beckons us, staring us down, daring us to take-on 2021 with guts, courage, strength and resolve to do good by thinking, being, saying, praying about things hear and now that make us better and a blessing, focusing on the moment at hand, here and now. 

Another year we have been given to live life in peace as we work on making life more doable for ourselves and others who cross our paths as well as those in other parts of the world.