Saturday, September 15, 2018

Still Here

Mark, even though you're physically not here, you are thought of, missed and spoken of everyday. People refer to you and remember what you did and said, the way you conducted yourself with focus, intelligence and good humor. You are still here in our hearts and minds in spirit and in ways that we cannot fathom. I am definitely sure you are here in ways that cannot be adequately explained yet clearly felt as a matter of fact from the heart in a soulful spiritual manner.

Your are still here as the love and respect for you remains as strong as ever in fact maybe more so since you are placed by divine appointment in a state of perfection. Your image is beautiful and larger than life as we recall countless memories that seem as real as the moment they occurred. How precious it is to know we are still connected in a manner that is magnified by an ethereal umbilical cord. Your presence is felt so keenly especially when the sound of your voice, laugh, wit, wisdom, sarcasm, tenderness and toughness are heard and undeniably alive and well vibrating with a strength that goes beyond our earthly understanding.

Every time you are thought of and mentioned you join us as a very important person of interest who has gone on your individual path. You shine bright as the happiest moments we shared and reflect the greatest, sweetest most precious memories we experienced together. Blessed are you dear brother, blessed is your memory and your present spiritual alliance to each of us who are aware of you still here.