Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sometimes life seems overwhelming, when the triumph's prompt elation and you feel like your heart could burst as it swells with joy, tears well-up and all you can do is let your eye's release the overflow.  When pain, grief and despair surface, we feel overcome as if it is simply too much to bare. Try as we may to be strong, brave, forge-on, it is worth considering the path of least resistance and let yourself go through it, take on times of upheaval, uncomfortable change, internal or external negativity. If need be;  cry it out, laugh it out, sweat it out, hug it out, try tho' to make it right, write about it and ride it out. Do for yourself whatever it takes to get past, through, up and around the blows and woe's of life.

All things pass, this too, whether it is life at it's best or at it's worst, whether our hearts are full of love, delight,  fire, desire, darkness, passion, profound sadness, music, merriment, moments of madness or complete chaos... it passes into the next moment, the next experience and emotion which make us who we are and creates the memories- good or bad, the miracles, wonder and times of our lives.

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