Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Simple Summer Fun

During the long hot day's of summer, Mark and I devised different way's of competing with one another to test our agility and our fine and gross motor skills. Fist-a-cuff's sometimes ensued when we got carried away and too competitive.  We enjoyed turning anything into a contest; who could drink a glass of water without taking a breath, who could stand on one leg the longest, who could go the longest without blinking. We were always attempting to better our personal records in such things as tossing the baseball, mush ball, football, birdie, Frisbee or whatever, without dropping it. An easy toss often turned into a hard throw at close range, to make it more of a challenge, back and forth, volleying the object in the air. We were typically disgusted with the one who dropped the ball but quickly started another round again to see how many times we could keep it alive and in the air.
Many a summer we set-up an obstacle course in the backyard. The mostly harmless friendly matches of stamina, agility, strength, balance, hand to eye coordination and over all athleticism kept us occupied for good little chunks of time and if anyone else wanted in on the action, we would turn the  games of speed and endurance into tournaments, with brackets for elimination rounds and all.
Those were the dog day's of summer which also included tremendous fun at Johnson Gym, The YMCA or some other public or private swimming pool, a few season tickets to watch Albuquerque Dukes Baseball was a treat and if the game was a sleeper, we could usually count on some knuckle head(s) in the crowd to provide us with fodder for our colorful commentary and mocking purposes, not insulting to their face or looking for trouble in anyway, merely material if you will, for our own inside amusement and entertainment.

We hung around the house foot loose and fancy free enjoying the summer's off from school, happy to create our own activities after doing chores, maybe get lost in playing cards or board games if it was too hot outside. Whatever we did, it usually included plenty of malarkey, sass and good laughs. We tried to squeeze out every drop of summer vacation we could during those long day's of summer, simple stuff, goofing off, thinking of fun things to do until the days seemed to close-in on us, the minute the advertisements for school supplies began surfacing.