Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Thank you, for being such a big part of my life, still, even if you did check-out in '94 and caught your direct flight to heaven. You are engrained in my DNA, thoughts and prayers.  Part and parcel of twindom for me means something special, blessed, on-going. Who can say with certainty how it happens that a child is born and lives, survives, thrives and gets to live another day, year or years. Who is to say how our course runs, starts, stops, reruns, stops again temporarily or indefinitely. The twin connection continues in some capacity as part of the original 2pk design that landed safely swimming upstream as all the other millions of swimming seeds went down stream. The feeling and sense I am an individual and singular being is also me. 

When I reflect on the years gone-by and yet to come, you are frequently part of the landscape. I know you are around as your spirit, things you said and did float around in existence and the memory banks. I wonder how you would be about everything, while making peace with where you have taken-up residence, I pray your place is truly perfect, powerful, peaceful, and full of grace, beyond words. There is so much humankind does not realize, our scope is limited as mysteries and miracles prevail and swirl around unbeknownst and known to us. I feel grateful for such knowledge and awareness of things to appreciate.

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