Saturday, February 13, 2016

Thank You, Mom

Marian "Sparky" Ipiotis
August 28, 1925 ~ January 30, 2016

Thank you for being the best you could be, as a person, a woman, a mother, grandmother, godmother, friend, relative to many people. You taught us well the meaning of respect, of working hard and cherishing the ones who care for you.

We hold you in our memories like we breathe in the air, we think of you as if you've never left this world. You will remain in the sacred places where our hearts and spirits long to be. We love you more than we could ever adequately convey and we know you championed your children like a mother lion protects her cubs. We love you in the quiet times, happy, lonely times, when laughter roars and tears trickle down our faces.

We hold on to the sound of your smile and the smell of your graciousness. We know you are around in ways that only a mother in heaven can understand and we appreciate your divine appointment and place among the angels and saints who experience life and learned how to move on into a peaceful, powerful, perfect place of privilege. Thank you for every little and big thing you ever did for us and so many others. You made life more livable and lovable. Thank you Mom. We love you.

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