Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Right out of the gates this year begins with big challenges for a humanity that craves compassion but expresses it's restlessness in cruel and hateful ways. Politics, religion, spirtuality, economics, our precious planet... struggles to find the balance, to rediscover our way through the harshness, sadness, the cold climate of life gets to be a bit much when the quality let alone dignity of life is compromised.

If we are fortunate enough we are blessed with eachother, someone, people who give a damn. We hope for a kind world, a good life, happy, healthy, peaceful and safe. We pray that somewhere in the middle of the chaos, the warmth of the Holy Spirit awaits at the center,  always there, the alpha and the omega, the light in the darkness, the love that is stronger than hate, the broken heart that heals quietly and emerges better, beyond recognition to heights never imagined, to places of wonder, simple wisdom and impassioned desire to be blessed and a blessing.

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