Friday, August 2, 2013

Wounded ♥

There is always hope for a wounded heart even after a direct hit and blunt blow. Branches snap off ripped apart from the tree of life barely upright after being blindsided, whipped around by the unforgiving blistering wind. Reality is raw and painful as word of a loved ones death leaves a family weak with grief or to consider the harsh injustices of the world. Humanity bleeds at the hands of it's own cruelty, the sad, hostile, inhumane, dark side of existence can leave one depleted, broken, battered and bruised.

Moving forward from everything into possibly anything, the world is hungrier than ever for love and respect. The hunger is in our own divine core, constantly seeking a peaceful place to land where love and respect is consumed and shared like oxygen, a peaceful attitude is the order of the day and positive perspectives are the only known perspective.

*Let us go forth then and be a blessing to one another.

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